Season 1
S1 E1 The Shifts in Consciousness and Supporting the Quantum Children
With Intuitive Aleta Sira Ras
S1 E1 Description
Aleta Sira Ras is a long-time friend of mine who is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. She has been working as a psychic for more than 30 years. One of the interesting facts about Aleta and two of her daughters was that in ancient Greece they had lifetimes as one of the Oracles of Delphi. Her story and how she worked with her children is featured in one of the chapters of The Quantum Children Vol 2. Here are some of the topics we chatted about in this interview/ conversation.
- Aleta has always been able to communicate with her main spirit guide Sam. She was able to see him physically for many years until one day he deliberately stepped in front of Aleta’s mother and she passed through him.
- Growing up intuitive
- Keeping her girls open and aware
- Techniques for shielding an empathic child
- Clearing her children’s field after school
- The Shifts in consciousness
- Working with her granddaughter
S1 E2 The Global Awakening…Part 1
With Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD
S1 E2 Description
This conversation is with Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD. Aurora is a healer, psychic mystic, PhD., kahuna, author, singer, and last but certainly not least…mother of four. She has worked for many, many years bringing out teachings from the ancient mystery schools. Today we are talking about the shifts in consciousness and the global awakening.
We looked at the history of our timeline and our awakening. We looked at the inner work each of us needs to do to move more fully into our authentic selves.
Here is a clip where Aurora is speaking about the mass ascension…
What I heard in that remembrance is that we would be undergoing an ascension process. And what that meant is this mass Ascension would be occurring, not like many people think of it like Jesus ascended and went back to the heavens. It’s not like that because we are heaven born, we don’t need to really do much except for die here, to be back. There’s a lot of misconceptions about it. But the true Ascension as I’ve been witnessing it, and I’ve worked with souls all over the planet… that it’s an ascension out of the dark elements of the psyche, the belief systems and structures that kept people suffering and endless dramas, and into the gold of our true nature’s because that part of us is like a magic Genie, the spirit within and that part of us is what’s birthing the Golden Age.
S1 E3 The Global Awakening…Part 2
With Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD
S1 E3 Description
This conversation is with Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD. Aurora is a healer, psychic mystic, PhD., kahuna, author, singer, and last but certainly not least…mother of four. She has worked for many, many years bringing out teachings from the ancient mystery schools. Today we are talking about the shifts in consciousness and the global awakening. This is a continuation of our part 1 interview.
We looked at the history of our timeline and our awakening. We looked at the inner work each of us needs to do to move more fully into our authentic selves.
Here is a clip where Aurora is speaking about the mass ascension…
What I heard in that remembrance is that we would be undergoing an ascension process. And what that meant is this mass Ascension would be occurring, not like many people think of it like Jesus ascended and went back to the heavens. It’s not like that because we are heaven born, we don’t need to really do much except for die here, to be back. There’s a lot of misconceptions about it. But the true Ascension as I’ve been witnessing it, and I’ve worked with souls all over the planet… that it’s an ascension out of the dark elements of the psyche, the belief systems and structures that kept people suffering and endless dramas, and into the gold of our true nature’s because that part of us is like a magic Genie, the spirit within and that part of us is what’s birthing the Golden Age.
S1 E4 Healing blockages, beliefs and patterns at a core level
With Aazura
S1 E4 Description
We all have patterns, beliefs and blockages that are constantly affecting what we manifest in this reality. Aazura and I discuss the importance of clearing these energies and how to Conscious Alchemy can assist you in this process.
S1 E5 The Golden Path to Oneness
With author Bob Beale
S1 E5 Description
The Golden Path to Oneness with author Bob Beale. Bob describes his journey as spirit guided him in living in Oneness
S1 E6 Homeopathy, Access Hanna, and Other forms of Advanced Healing…Part 1
S1 E6 Description
Dave and Gisela talk about their work with Autistic children and other clients using their computer program “Access Hanna and its scalar wave technology to impart Hanna Kroger’s vast array of homeopathic remedies to any client worldwide.
S1 E7 Homeopathy, Access Hanna, and Other forms of Advanced Healing…Part 2
With Gisela Hoffman and Dave Smith
S1 E7 Description
Dave and Gisela talk about their work with Autistic children and other clients using their computer program “Access Hanna and its scalar wave technology to impart Hanna Kroger’s vast array of homeopathic remedies to any client worldwide.
S1 E8 Astrological energies for the last half of 2019…Part 1
With astrologer Monica Lewis
S1 E8 Description
Monica Lewis is a brilliant historian and Sabian Astrologer who gives a comprehensive picture of the energies effecting us over leading into the very important Saturn / Pluto conjunction.
Pluto the planet of change and Saturn the planet that rules structure meets in a perfect conjunction in January of 2020. Monica and I discuss the energies of the eclipses in July of 2019 and their 6-month effect leading up to the big conjunction in January. This conjunction occurs only every 35 to 40 years and we take a look at its effect leading into World War 1.
Monica is excellent at explaining the global picture as well as taking it to an individual level. Virtually every structure on this planet is outdated by as many as 50 to 100 years and they are set up for enormous change. The only problem is that the powers controlling these structures are doing everything they possibly can to maintain status quo instead of adapting and changing for the good of everyone.
About twenty years ago Pluto crossed my ascendant multiple times over a 3-year time frame. During that time frame every area of my life went through enormous change. I was forced to revalue everything in my life. Where this conjunction occurs in your natal chart will have a similar effect on you personally.
S1 E9 Astrological energies for the last half of 2019…Part 2
With astrologer Monica Lewis
S1 E9 Description
Monica Lewis is a brilliant historian and Sabian Astrologer who gives a comprehensive picture of the energies effecting us over leading into the very important Saturn / Pluto conjunction. This is a continuation from Part 1.
Pluto the planet of change and Saturn the planet that rules structure meets in a perfect conjunction in January of 2020. Monica and I discuss the energies of the eclipses in July of 2019 and their 6-month effect leading up to the big conjunction in January. This conjunction occurs only every 35 to 40 years and we take a look at its effect leading into World War 1.
Monica is excellent at explaining the global picture as well as taking it to an individual level. Virtually every structure on this planet is outdated by as many as 50 to 100 years and they are set up for enormous change. The only problem is that the powers controlling these structures are doing everything they possibly can to maintain status quo instead of adapting and changing for the good of everyone.
About twenty years ago Pluto crossed my ascendant multiple times over a 3-year time frame. During that time frame every area of my life went through enormous change. I was forced to revalue everything in my life. Where this conjunction occurs in your natal chart will have a similar effect on you personally.
S1 E10 Brain Education through Yoga and Tai Chi
With Lenny Zuehlke
S1 E10 Description
My wife and I have been working with Lenny at his Body and Brain Yoga studio for about 5 years. This particular style of yoga is quite different from traditional Indian yoga in that it uses meridian stretches and movement vs poses. In our conversation, Lenny and I discuss the many benefits yoga and tai chi can bring to children. Of course, there is the physical benefit but there is also a mental one. The ability to focus and be fully present in one’s body is a skill sorely lacking in today’s youths.
Many individuals exercise but normally their focus is external. The more internally present one is, the more mindful they are and that is one of the great benefits of the slower exercises like yoga and tai chi.
Some of the questions we addressed were
- When to start children
- What type of games work best
- That sort of thing