tools for evolving consciousness

Last 12 interviews

S2 E8 Overcoming a lifetime of dyslexia with Mark Seevers

with  Mark Seevers

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S2 E10 The Memory of Water with Allyn Orwig PhD

with  Allyn Orwig PhD

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Special Videos


Teaching the Quantum Children

by Michael Orwig | S3 E7 Perceptionists Anonymous

The Memory of Water

by Allyn Orwig | S3 E11 Perceptionists Anonymous

Short Takes

Short takes are normally 10 – 15 minute clips taken from the interviews or my talks.  For those that don’t have time to listen to a longer readings.

This link will take you to the Season 1 short takes.

The Quantum Children

This is a 15 minute clip from my talk at the Alchemist’s tool chest. Have you ever raised a 5th dimensional child. They are arriving on the planet. In fact they have been coming more and more over the last decade. Do you think the same paradigms that have been doing everything they can to maintain control in our society are set up for them? Not a chance.

S2 E1 Short take - Growing up an Empath

Fully 80% of the new children coming in are highly empathic. This is part of our moving into the higher frequencies and increasing our connection to all things. Humanity is also in the process of reawakening its telepathic skills. A higher degree of sensitivity is necessary for this. In this clip from my full interview with Loras we are discussing his difficulties growing up as an empath in Iowa 50 years ago.

S2 E2 Short take - Being Positive no Matter the level of Chaos around you

In this clip from my interview with Sally Wurr we were talking about how we create and manifest. Part of Sally’s focus in her book was explaining the importance of action steps. Change is a verb and it requires action to provide the energy necessarily to move forward.

S2 E3 Short take -Healing self rejection

In this clip from my interview with Suzanne Renee we are talking about her experience in healing self rejection on a personal level as well as within her family.

S2 E4 Short take - The light grids

In this clip from my conversation with Richard Yiap we are talking about the earth’s light grids and some of the sacred journeys he and his group has taken to activate different power spots on the earth.


Whether it is aspects of parenting, or difficulties in medical care or the education system, all of the structures of society are woefully behind where they need to be in order to support our children. As a consequence, you as a parent or grandparent are going to have to make choices that will lead you outside of the old models of society.

We have entered into the unknown world of parenting children whose consciousness and DNA is higher than we have ever seen before. The Quantum Children book series is designed to be a guide into that process.

The Quantum Children by Michael Orwig - Volume 1The Quantum Children by Michael Orwig - Volume 2“I think this is so powerful and so needed. I have found myself recently pondering how I am going show Owen many of the values I want him to hold, and to stay true to his heart and follow his intuition. I also know he is a strong soul, who’s presence here is already strongly felt. The shaman I worked with last year also talked of these souls being born and Owen being one.


I know there is such a heightened awareness and to have a guide to help me on this path of guidance is such a blessing. Thank you.”    ~ Lindsay D.

A note from the author

“All of humanity is going through an awakening from third density consciousness. It is part of our evolution and the children that are coming onto Earth at this time are a major part of this shift. The problem is, a great deal of society is still working from paradigms tied to the past and do not support these children.

I've written this book to help guide the parents and grandparents of these remarkable children through this incredible shift.”